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“144小时过境免签”政策 厦门迎来首批免签旅客

2019-01-02 17:10  来源:东南网  责任编辑:夏菁  我来说两句


9. What are the regulations pertaining to the accommodation registration for 144-hour visa-free transit foreigners?


In accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Exit and Entry Administration, foreigners who stay in a hotel should register at the hotel reception. For those staying at a place other than hotel, they must register at the local police station within 24 hours of arrival. Those who fail to fulfill the registration can be imposed penalties by local public security authority in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


10. Can foreigner passengers leave for other cities in China after they have entered Xiamen via 144-hour visa-free transit?


Foreign passengers who enter Xiamen via 144-hour visa-free transit cannot leave the administrative area of Xiamen during their stay.


11. What should 144-hour visa-free transit passengers do if they have to extend their stay or travel beyond Xiamen due to force majeure or other reasons?


144-hour visa-free transit passengers should apply for the corresponding stay permit with the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Xiamen Public Security Bureau (PSB) if they have to extend their stay or travel beyond the administrative area of Xiamen due to force majeure, such as disease, disaster, accident or other reasons.


12. What should 144-hour visa-free transit passengers do if they lose their entry and exit documents during their stay in Xiamen?


144-hour visa-free transit passengers should immediately report lost/stolen passport to the local police station at the area where the loss or theft occurs. The Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of Xiamen PSB will issue a police report of lost/stolen passport or exit documents based on his/her accommodation registration record, receipt of case report by the police station and entry record. They could then apply for a new passport at the embassy or consulates of their home countries in China with the police report of lost/stolen passport. After that, they need to come back to the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of Xiamen PSB to apply for a stay permit or a Foreigner’s Entry and Exit Pass with the new passport before they exit China.

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