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“144小时过境免签”政策 厦门迎来首批免签旅客

2019-01-02 17:10  来源:东南网  责任编辑:夏菁  我来说两句


FAQ of 144-hour Visa-free Transit Policy in Xiamen


1. 144-hour visa-free transit


Citizens from certain countries holding valid international travel documents and valid passenger tickets for connecting travel (airplane or ship ticket) to a third country/region with confirmed seat and that the departure time is within 144 hours after arriving in Xiamen are eligible to apply for 144-hour visa-free transit at the port of entry in Xiamen.


For example, a South Korean citizen travels from Seoul, South Korea via Xiamen to Europe can apply for 144-hour visa-free transit. However, if he/she comes to Xiamen from South Korea and return to South Korea directly from Xiamen, he/she cannot apply for visa-free transit.


2. Who are eligible for the 144-hour visa-free transit policy?



Currently, 144-hour visa-free transit is applicable to passport holders from the following 53 countries:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Belarus, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Qatar.


3. What are the requirements for 144-hour visa-free transit via Xiamen port of entry?


Applicants should meet the following three requirements:



3.自厦门高崎国际机场口岸、五通客运码头、厦门国际邮轮中心口岸过境前往第三国(地 区)。

1. They must be citizens from one of the 53 eligible countries specified above;

2. They must have a valid international travel document and a valid passenger ticket for connecting travel (airplane ticket or ship ticket) to a third country/region with a confirmed seat and that the departure time is within 144 hours after arriving in Xiamen;

3. They must transit via Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Wutong Wharf and Xiamen International Cruise Center to a third country/region.

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